Satellite Phones call rates


DestinationMinute rate
Inmarsat Aero Prices include any VAT.£11.3512Note: Prices are rounded and shown in British pound as a reference only. You may or may not be able to pay in British pound. See more details during checkout.
Inmarsat B Prices include any VAT.£6.9494Note: Prices are rounded and shown in British pound as a reference only. You may or may not be able to pay in British pound. See more details during checkout.
Inmarsat M Prices include any VAT.£4.6562Note: Prices are rounded and shown in British pound as a reference only. You may or may not be able to pay in British pound. See more details during checkout.
Inmarsat Mini M Prices include any VAT.£11.7122Note: Prices are rounded and shown in British pound as a reference only. You may or may not be able to pay in British pound. See more details during checkout.

Prices are valid from 21.12.2022 and are incl. any VAT.