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More transparency in the telecom industry - try our price comparison tool

The telecom market is more opaque than ever. Call setup charges, charging for call attempts, billing for more than actual consumption, etc. It only makes it worse that many telecom companies, especially the big ones, do not publicly disclose their business prices at all.
Areas that make the market opaque
  • Call setup charges amount to up to a third of the telephone bill.
  • Call setup charges for calls that are not completed (attempted calls). Results in approx. 5% higher phone bill.1
  • Billing for more than the actual call length, e.g. billing every started 20, 30 or 60 seconds, which means that a call of e.g. 2:01 is billed as 2:20, 2:30 or 3:00 minutes. This results in paying 7, 11 or 22% more for your calls.1
  • Symbolic discounts on artificially high normal prices in return for long contract periods.
  • Various service fees etc.
To make it easy to see how much a company actually pays for what and how much it is possible to save, Redspot has developed a price comparison tool that takes into account the vast majority of billing models and prices.


Vores historie

Redspot blev stiftet i Danmark i 2002 og har siden 2004 leveret billig IP-telefoni af høj kvalitet til private og virksomheder i Danmark samt udlandet. Redspot var først til at tilbyde Fri Tale (Flat Rate) abonnementer til udlandet og er stadig førende.

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